A dental implant is a “root” device, usually made of titanium, used in dentistry to support restorations that resemble a tooth or group of teeth. With advancements in modern technology, implants are now the best option for replacing missing teeth.
Implant Structure
Implants have three parts: the implant itself, the abutment, and the crown. The implant itself acts like a tooth root and anchors into the bone; in fact, most implants have special coatings that encourage the body to form bone and attach to the implant. At Integra Dental, P.A., we work with a talented team of specialists who will place the implant and ensure the implant is stable before we proceed with any restorations.
The second part of an implant is called an abutment; it screws into the implant and acts like a core to help hold the crown onto the implant. The last part is the crown, which attaches to the abutment and can be shaped to look, feel, and work like a natural tooth.
It usually takes several months between the placement of the implant and when you can begin to use the implant; this time is necessary to allow the body to heal and integrate with the implant. Although this may seem like a long time, ask almost any implant recipient and they will agree it was worth the wait!